Tuesday, 29 March 2011

You against yourself

I read two blogs this morning and somehow i finally got inspiration to start a blog...i mean my followers on twitter have been looking for a way to get my long ass essays off their tl's for a while now so i bet this would have them jumping for joy.

The 1st blog was pandas blog on how women think all men are asses and men think women are money grubbing sluts and the other blog was laide's blog which pretty much validated panda's(i bet that blog inspired his :p)

i really felt both blogs,laides as a girl and pandas as a regular human being who's just tired of seeing everyone bundled up under the same "umblerra" (i just had to do that (-_-) ).it rily is a difficult task to not let a few bag eggs ruin the whole crate though.lets face it,if u buy a crate of eggs and the 1st six were all rotten on cracking them open what are the odds that u would bother with the rest in the same crate and not just throw the whole thing out?how many people will bother cracking open the remaining eggs thinking "this just might be the fresh one"?

life experiences have a way of shaping our personalities but we still have a choice.do u wanna let your experiences turn u into a pessimist?live your life with the fear of the unknown?or would you just take your shot hoping and believing the best?

one thing ive learnt is pessimism is a "lose all the way" situation(im still working on being an optimist).for example..you're in a relationship and you spend all your time worrying it might all be lies.hes after the sex/shes after the money,at the end of the day these fears would either crash something that could have been potentially good or even if your fears were right you spent so much time worrying you never even got to be happy and enjoy the good parts or the benefits.so really?whats the point of the preformed notion and fears based on the rotten seeds you have eaten or watched others eat?

its not always easy,especially when you've never seen it go right.I for one am having an absolute rough time being someones girlfriend.not because he gives me grief or anything but because he's actually good to me.it leaves me paranoid and too scared to enjoy it because im not used to being happy in a relationship(shockin right?i mean as hot and lovely and awesome as i am,u would think guys would have more sense..hehe)There are days i think "what if theres some hidden agenda?""what if its just lies and lyrics"?the key is learning to reply yourself with "what if there isn't" "what if its all true and you have a good thing going on"...heck positivity never hurt anyone.even if they do turn out to be scum at some point u would have at least been happy

It also helps to surround yourself with people who would drill positive thoughts in your head and not propagate the negative ones you are already battling with.1 key thing i've learnt with relationships is "privacy is key"(this doesnt now mean under-g o or nobody knows ur seeing someone *side eye*) on days you rily need to talk,you are better off talking to someone who is in a relationship too.Not because all your single friends are unhappy for you but the thing is most times they do tend to say things or give u advice that will endup with you spending alot of time eating baskin robbins on the couch with your fellow singles and bashing the opposite sex.
The other day i was having a conversation with a friend of mine about my bf and she said "when he has used bb money to go get booty" and i'm like "you make it sound like he came all the way here for action,abeg jor he loves me do i have gold down there that he'd catch a plane for that" and she goes "see you there are some guys that booty is more than gold for them o".now i know her well enough to know this was a totally harmless convo and just teasing but i still spent the whole of that night wondering if it really was mainly a booty call...

forgive my lengthy blog...you know me,i can talk X_X and im getting tired of typing sef.its not easy typing without my usual twitter and bb shorthand...hehe
life will always give us what its going to give us so we might as well only do things and foster thoughts that keep us happy,pray and hold on to our faith

my 1st blog...yayyy..hehe


  1. Good thing you started your rant page:p
    when u av d tym, read my two blogposts 'finding happiness and of loving,trusting, hoping and believing'..it pretty much summarises aw i feel about the whole relationship thing.
    I prolly wont believe everything a guy tells me, but i would enjoy moments spent with him to the fullest.. nothing in life is guaranteed.
    even siblings fuck-up from time to time.
    No one is perfect, my happiness is the key.
    and maybe friends who are negative are just what one needs from time to time to stop one from being carried away...
    Enjoy your relationship,have fun,be happy...let every sweet word said to you linger in your
    heart for a while...keep few friends close just in case.
    if it works out, fine!if not, life goes on..
    most important thing is be sincerely happy.

    we all had a fantasies we created as lil girls, as we grow older, we keep adjusting and repaintin it..thats life..no fairytale anywhere, we can either choose to paint a very colorful picture or paint with just black and white..

    ok..am done!

  2. I totally stopped at where you said you were "hot, lovely and awesome" 8-| Really dude?

    Ok seriously though, I get angry at folks that generalise. Fine they have good reason to, but so?

    I honestly think that anyone who lets their past scars stop them from enjoying their present don't deserve to be happy, and shouldn't be in a relationship anyway.

  3. you know my thoughts on this love
    optimism is key
    no matter how many times a guy brings me down
    id still believe in love
    cos i know its out there
    and any friend that brings negativity your way
    should be cut off
    life is too short men

  4. girl you're right and I've always said the same thing.. stop giving yourself grief; looking over your shoulder, waiting for evil to befall your relationships. Relax! enjoy the ride
    Plus engage yourself in relationship where Christ is the foundation.. I know its not like you're looking for marriage at this very moment but it helps weed out the losers!

  5. Sisi Chari, why you dey vex? she was joking about ''hot, lovely and awesome''...not that she's not any of those things btw, It's a good post/rant #EndOf

  6. Lol..this chari person sounds a lot like panda..@oyinplay ur totally right..thanx 4d comments guys
